[发布单位:物理与电子工程学院 来源:物理与电子工程学院 发布时间:2018-10-15]
基本情况 | |
姓 名 | 鱼自发 |
性 别 | 男 |
出 生 日 期 | 1990.09.25 |
党 派 | 群众 |
职 称 | 讲师 |
职 务 |
研 究 方 向 | 光与物质相互作用、超冷原子分子理论 |
籍 贯 | 甘肃省镇原县 |
工 作 单 位 | |
地 址 | 西北师范大学物理与电子工程学院 |
电 话 | 15095350891 |
电 邮 | |
教育背景及主要工作经历 | |
一、教育背景: 2015.09-2018.06 西北师范大学,物理与电子工程学院,理论物理专业,博士; 2012.09-2015.06 西北师范大学,物理与电子工程学院,理论物理专业,硕士。 2008.09-2012.06 西北师范大学,物理与电子工程学院,物理学专业,学士。
二、工作经历: 2018.07-至今 留校任教于西北师范大学物理与电子工程学院 | |
行政和社会兼职工作 | |
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个人荣誉 | |
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教学工作 | |
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科研项目 | |
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获奖情况 | |
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科研成果 | |
发表论文目录 Zi-Fa Yu (鱼自发), Ai-Xia Zhang, Rong-An Tang, Hong-Ping Xu, Ji-Ming Gao, and Ju-Kui Xue. Spin-orbit-coupling stabilization of a collapsing binary Bose-Einstein condensate. Phys. Rev. A 95, 033607 (2017). Zi-Fa Yu (鱼自发) and Ju-Kui Xue. Selective coherent spin transportation in a spin-orbit-coupled bosonic junction. Phys. Rev. A 90, 033618 (2014). Zi-Fa Yu (鱼自发), and Ju-Kui Xue. The phase diagram and stability of trapped D-dimensional spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensate. Scientific Reports 7, 15635 (2017). Zi-Fa Yu (鱼自发), and Ju-Kui Xue. Spin-orbit-coupling-induced anharmonic collective modes in a Bose-Einstein condensate. EPL 121, 20003 (2018). Zi-Fa Yu (鱼自发), Xu-Dan Chai, and Ju-Kui Xue. Energetic and dynamical instability of spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensate in a deep optical lattice. Physics Letters A 382, 1231 (2018). Zi-Fa Yu (鱼自发), Fang-Qi Hu, Ai-Xia Zhang, and Ju-Kui Xue. Dynamics of neutral atoms in artificial magnetic field. Physics Letters A 380, 789 (2016). Zi-Fa Yu (鱼自发), Ai-Xia Zhang, and Ju-Kui Xue. Coherent destruction of tunneling of dipolar Bosonic gas. Chin. Phys. Lett. 31, 010303 (2014). Zi-Fa Yu (鱼自发) and Ju-Kui Xue. Tunneling dynamics of dipolar bosonic system with periodically modulated s-wave scattering. Commun. Theor. Phys. 61, 565 (2014). 鱼自发,吴建鹏,王鹏程,张娇娇,唐荣安,薛具奎,超流Fermi气体在非简谐势阱中集体激发. 物理学报,61,010301 (2012).
Fang-Qi Hu, Jian-Jun Wang, Zi-Fa Yu (鱼自发), Ai-Xia Zhang, and Ju-Kui Xue. Collective dynamics of a spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensate. Phys. Rev. E 93, 022214 (2016). Hong-E Du, Li-Hong Cheng, Zi-Fa Yu (鱼自发), and Ju-Kui Xue. Electromagnetic envelope solitons in ultrarelativistic inhomogeneous electronpositron-ion plasma. Physics of Plasmas 21, 082105 (2014). Kun-Qiang Zhu, Zi-Fa Yu (鱼自发), and Ju-Kui Xue. Transport of spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensates in lattice with defects. Physics Letters A 381, 2272 (2017). Na-Na Chang, Zi-Fa Yu (鱼自发), Ai-Xia Zhang, and Ju-Kui Xue. Tunneling dynamics of a few bosons with both two- and three-body interactions in a double-well. Chin. Phys. B 26, 115202 (2017). Xu-Dan Chai, Zi-Fa Yu (鱼自发), Ai-Xia Zhang, and Ju-Kui Xue. Sound wave of spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattice. Chin. Phys. Lett 34, 090301 (2017).
::::::::版权所有 2010-2012 西北师范大学物理与电子工程学院::::::::
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