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[发布单位:物理与电子工程学院    来源:物理与电子工程学院    发布时间:2023-10-27]


姓 名:颉录有

性 别:男


党 派:中国民主同盟

职 称:教授

职 务:物理系主任


籍 贯:甘肃武山


地 址:兰州市安宁区安宁东路967

电 邮:xiely@nwnu.edu.cn



2004.92008.6 西北师范大学原子与分子物理,研究生/博士

1999.92002.6 西北师范大学原子与分子物理,研究生/硕士

1995.91999.6 西北师范大学物理学,本科/学士


2023.01 —    西北师范大学,教授

2008.10 2022.12 西北师范大学,副教授、硕士生导师

2016.09 2017.08 北京计算科学研究中心,高级访问学者

2009.092012.02 北京应用物理与计算数学研究所,博士后

2006.062006.11 爱尔兰都柏林大学,国际合作交流

2005.072008.09 西北师范大学,讲师

2002.072005.06 西北师范大学,助教




Chinese Physics B》、《Chinese Physics Letter》、《Spectroscopy Letters》、《物理学报》等学术期刊审稿人


2023年  西北师范大学“优秀教师”

2023年  第四届全国高等师范院校未来教师素质大赛,优秀指导教师奖

2023年  第十四届“格致杯”物理师范生教学技能展示与交流活动,优秀指导教师

2023年  甘肃省高校教师教育联盟第三届师范生教学技能大赛,优秀指导教师

2022年  教育部第二批全国高校黄大年式教师团队“原子分子物理教师团队”成员

2022年  第十三届“格致杯”物理师范生教学技能和自制教具与设计实验展评活动,优秀指导教师

2021年  西北师范大学第六十一届本科学生实习优秀组织工作者

2014年  西北师范大学“青年教师教学科研之星





  1. 量子光学理论与实验融合教学探索教育不产学研项目2022主持

  2. 原子物理学系列课程“课程思政”示范教学团队项目,校级,2021年,主持

  3. 原子物理学”参与式研讨课,校级,2021年,主持

  4. 原子物理学系列课程”教学团队,省级,2011参与

  5. 热力学与统计物理”精品课程,省级,2009年,参与

  6. 原子物理学”精品课程,省级2007参与


  1. 极端电磁场环境下高电荷态离子结构和动力学:子课题1—强电磁场条件下量子电动力学效应研究(批准号:2022YFA1602501)国家重点研发计划·大科学装置前沿研究重点专项,2022.12-2027.11,参与

  2. 高电荷态离子非平衡动力学时空演化研究:子课题1 — 高电荷态离子精密谱学(批准号:2017YFA0402301),国家重点研发计划·大科学装置前沿研究重点专项,执行年限:2017.7-2022.6,参研单位负责人

  3. 高电荷态离子共振电子复合过程的理论研究(批准号:12064041),执行年限:2021.1-2024.12,国家自然科学地区基金项目,主持

  4. 基于高精度原子参数的CaFe Cu 元素丰度分析,国家自然科学天文联合基金(批准号:U1331122),执行年限:2014.1-2016.12,主持

  5. 极化电子与高电荷态离子碰撞激发、电离过程的相对论理论研究,国家自然科学地区基金(批准号:10964010),执行年限:2010.1-2012.12,主持

  6. 电子-离子碰撞及其在等离子环境中性质的研究,甘肃省高校科研业务费专项资金项目,执行年限:2010.8-2012.8,主持

  7. 高电荷态离子能级结构及电子碰撞动力学过程研究,西北师范大学青年教师科研能力提升计划(创新团队项目),执行年限:2016.1-2018.12,主持

  8. 热稠密等离子体中韧致辐射及康普顿散射过程的理论研究(批准号:U1530142),国家自然科学NCSF基金项目,执行年限: 2016.1-2018.12,参与

  9. 锕系元素Np及其化合物的电子结构和性质的研究,批准号:91126007执行年限:2012.1-2014.12,国家自然科学重大研究计划培育项目,参与

  10. 光电离及其相关原子过程的相对论理论研究,批准号:10774122执行年限:2008.1-2010.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目,参与


  1. 2023年 “五互”融通、十年磨砺:甘肃地方高校协调育人体系创新与实践,2022年高等教育(本科)  国家级教学成果二等奖,教育部

  2. 2022年  地方高校协调育人模式创新与实践——安宁五校战略联盟十年协调育人实践,甘肃省教      学成果特等奖,甘肃省教育厅

  3. 2022年  原子和高电荷态离子的精密能谱和碰撞性质的理论研究,甘肃省自然科学二等奖,甘肃省人民  政府

  4. 2016年  高Z、高电荷态原子结构及碰撞动力学性质研究,甘肃省自然科学三等奖,甘肃省人民政

  5. 2015年  光子、电子与高离化态离子相互作用及发光特性研究,甘肃省高校科技进步一等奖,甘肃省教 育厅

  6. 2014年  原子(离子)碰撞动力学及辐射极化特性的研究,甘肃省高校科技进步一等奖,甘肃省教育厅

  7. 2010年  复杂原子和高离化态离子的结构及相关动力学过程研究甘肃省高校科技进步一等奖,甘肃省


  1. 2008年  强场中原子分子结构和性质的理论研究甘肃省自然科学二等奖,甘肃省人民政府

  2. 2006年  强场中原子、分子激发和电离特性的研究甘肃省高校科技进步二等奖,甘肃省教育厅

  3. 2004年  超重原子及高离化态离子的结构和辐射特性的究甘肃省高校科技进步二等奖,甘肃省教育厅


  1. Luyou Xie *, Wenliang He, Shengbo Niu, Jinglin Rui, Yulong Ma and Chenzhong Dong*,Theoretical Investigation of Electron–Ion Recombination Process of Mg-like Gold, Atoms  11(5), 76 (2023).

  2. Sheng-Bo Niu, Yu-Long Ma, Wen-Liang He, Lu-You Xie* , and Chen-Zhong DongTheoretical study on dielectronic recombination process and X-ray line polarization of B-like Ar13+ ionEur. Phys. J. D 77,155(2023).

  3. J. L. Rui, L. Y. Xie* , Y. L. Ma, and C. Z. Dong*Theoretical study of dielectronic recombination and electron-impact excitation for helium-like isoelectronic sequenceEur. Phys. J. D 77174 (2023).

  4. Kun Ma, Shu-Xing Wang, Lin-Fan Zhu, Zhi-Ming Tang, Lu-You Xie,Multipole mixing effects on the angular distribution and polarization of dielectronic hypersatellite lines from highly charged helium-like ions, Physics Letters A 475,128852 (2023).

  5. Yulong Ma, Ling Liu, Yong Wu, Luyou Xie, Yizhi Qu, and Jianguo Wang, Theoretical investigation of electron-impact double ionization of B-like C+ to Ne5+ ions, Phys. Rev. A 107, 032813 (2023).

  6. Yu-Long Ma , Ling Liu, Lu-You Xie , Yong Wu, Deng-Hong Zhang, Chen-Zhong Dong, Yi-Zhi Qu , and Jian-Guo WangDebye-screening effect on electron-impact excitation of helium-like Al11+ and Fe24+ ionsChin. Phys. B31, 043401 (2022).

  7. L. Y. Xie* , J. L. Rui , J. M. Zhang, R. Schuch , and C. Z. Dong, Calculations of electron-impact excitation and dielectronic recombination rate coeffificients of highly charged silicon ions,Phys. Rev. A105, 012823 (2022).

  8. Bian Yang ,Deyang Yu ,Caojie Shao ,Xiaohong Cai,Zhongwen Wu ,Luyou Xie,Konstantin N. Lyashchenko ,Yury S. Kozhedub,Kun Ma,Yingli Xue ,Wei Wang,Mingwu Zhang ,Junliang Liu,Rongchun Lu,Zhangyong Song,Yehong Wu,Fangfang Ruan,Yuezhao Zhang,Chenzhong Dong,and Zhihu Yang,State-selective nonradiative electron capture in collisions of 95–197-MeV/u Xe54+ with Kr and Xe, Phys. Rev.A 104, 032815 (2021).

  9. Li-Jun Dou,Rui Jin,Rui Sun,Lu-You Xie,Zhong-Kui Huang, Jia-Ming Li,Xin-Wen Ma ,and Xiang GaoRelativistic eigenchannel R-matrix studies of the strong intrashell electron correlations in highly charged Ar13+ ionsPhys. Rev.A101, 032508 (2020).

  10. Chensheng Wu, Lu-You Xie, Zhimin Hud,Xiang GaoProminent enhancement on the radiative branching ratio of the doubly excited resonant states due to the Breit interaction induced ion-core energy inversionJournal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 246, 106912 (2020).

  11. Yulong Ma, Ling Liua, Luyou Xie, Yong Wua, Yizhi Qu, Jianguo WangKLL dielectronic recombination of hydrogenlike carbon ion in Debye plasmasJournal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 241, 106731(2020).

  12. L Y Xie*, S M Lu, D H Zhang, J Jiang, Z W Wu and C Z Dong, Theoretical study on KLL dielectronic and higher-order recombination of boron-like isoelectronic sequence, Journal of Physics: Conference Series,1412,132023 (2020) .

  13. L Y Xie*, G W Nai, J Jiang, D H Zhang and C Z Dong,Theoretical study of the dielectronic recombination process of Mg-like W62+ ions,Journal of Physics: Conference Series , 1412, 132009(2020) .

  14. L Y Xie* , J P Pan, D H Zhang, J Jiang and C Z Dong,Theoretical investigation of electron-ion recombination process of Fe14+ ion. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1412, 132032 (2020).

  15. L Y Xie* , X S Cheng , D H Zhang, J Jiang, Z W Wu and C Z Dong , Electron impact excitation of the 4 1S0-4 1P1 state of Zn atom,Journal of Physics: Conference Series,1412,142016 (2020) .

  16. Luyou Xie*, Simei Lu, Xiaoshu Cheng, Denghong Zhang, Jun Jiang, Chenzhong DongInvestigation of the intershell higher order resonant recombination and polarization of X-ray emission of B-like silicon ionsX-Ray Spectrometry. 48,657–663 (2019).

  17. Jun Jiang,Li Jiang, Z. W. Wu, Deng-Hong Zhang, Lu-You Xie, and Chen-Zhong DongAngle-dependent magic wavelengths for the 4s1/2 → 3d5/2,3/2 transitions of Ca+ ionsPhys. Rev. A 99, 032510 (2019).

  18. C. Ren, Z. W. Wu, J. Jiang, L. Y. Xie, D. H. Zhang, and C. Z. DongInfluence of the Breit interaction on linear polarization of radiation lines following electron-impact excitation of the boron isoelectronic sequence,Phys.Rev.A 98, 012711 (2018).

  19. Lu-You Xie, Qian-Qian Man, Jiang-Guo Wang,Yi-Zhi Qu, and Chen-Zhong DongRelativistic R-matrix calculations for L-shell photoionization cross sections of C II, Chin. Phys. B . 27, 083201 (2018).

  20. Li-Jun Dou, Lu-You Xie*, Zhong-Kui Huang, Wei-Qiang Wen, Deng-Hong Zhang, Chen-Zhong Dong, Xin-Wen Ma,Theoretical investigation of electron-ion recombination processes of Li-like tungsten ions, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 220,1622018.

  21. G. P. Zhao, L. Y. Xie, L. Liu, J. G. Wang, and R. K. Jan, Photoionization of C5+ ion in warm dense plasmas,Physics of Plasmas 25, 083302 (2018).

  22. Denghong Zhang, Luyou Xie, Jun Jiang, Zhongwen Wu, Chenzhong Dong, Yinglong Shi, Yizhi Qu,Electron-impact single ionizaiton for W4+ and W5+,Chin. Phys. B .27(5),053402(2018).

  23. Kun Ma , Zhan-Bin Chen, Lu-You Xie, Xiao-Bin Ding, Deng-Hong Zhang d ,Chen-Zhong Dong,Theoretical study on the nondipole asymmetries of Kr 1s1/2 and 4p3/2 Photoelectrons,Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena,228,1-7(2018).

  24. Kun Ma, Zhan-Bin Chen, Lu-You Xie and Chen-Zhong Dong, Polarization transfer in x-ray transitions due to photoionization in highly charged copper-like ions, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51 (2018) 045203.

  25. Tingxian ZhangLuyou Xie*, Jiguang Li, and Zehuang Lu, Theoretical study of the hyperfine-interaction constants and the isotope-shift factors for the 3s21S0–3s3 p 3,1P1 transitions in Al+, Phys. Rev. A, 96, 012514 (2017).

  26. Lijun Dou, Luyou Xie*, Denghong Zhang, Chenzhong Dong, Weiqiang Wen, Zhongkui Huang, and Xinwen Ma, Theoretical study of the dielectronic recombination process of Li-like Xe51+ ions, Eur. Phys. J. D,71, 128(2017).

  27. L. Y. Xie*, Y. L. Ma, Q. Q. Man, J. Jiang, D. H. Zhang, C. Z. DongThe influence of Breit interaction and E1-M2 quantum interference on polarization following inner-shell electron-impact excitation of Li-like ionsJournal of Physics: Conf. Series875, 052033(2017).

  28. Q. Q. Man, L. Y. Xie*, H. Y. Cui, J. Jiang , D. H. Zhang, C.Z.Dong, KLL-dielectronic recombination and polarization of X-ray emissions of H-like to B-like barium ions, Journal of Physics: Conf. Series,875,052032(2017).

  29. Ma Kun, Xie Lu-You, Zhang Deng-Hong, Dong Chen-Zhong*, Qu Yi-Zhi, Theoretical calculation of the photoelectron angular distribution of neonActa Phys. Sin. 65(8) ,083201 (2016) .

  30. Zhan-Bin Chen, Chen-Zhong Dong, Jun Jiang and Lu-You Xie, Influence of Debye plasma on the cross section and linear polarization of x-ray radiationfollowing inner-shell electron-impact excitation of highly charged Be-like Sc17+ , J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.48 ,144030 (2015).

  31. Liang TengMa KunChen XiXie Lu-YouDong Chen-ZhongShao Cao-JieYu De-Yang and Cai Xiao-Hong, Theoretical study on radiative electron capture and subsequent radiative decay in collision of Xe54+ with Xe, Acta Phys. Sin.64(15), 153401(2015).

  32. Ma Kun, Xie Lu-You, Zhang Deng-Hong, Dong Chen-Zhong*,Theoretical study on photorecombination of CV ionChin. Phys. B, 24, 073402 (2015)

  33. Jiao Fei, Jiang Juny, Xie Lu-You, Zhang Deng-Hong, Dong Chen-Zhong*, Chen Zhan-Bin, Theoretical study on electron-impact excitation cross section and polarization for 5s 2S1/2-5p 2P3/2 of Cd, Acta Phys. Sin. 64, 233401 (2015).

  34. Zhongwen Wu, Yanbiao Fu, Xiaoyun MaMaijuan Li,Luyou XieJun Jiang and Chenzhong Dong, Electron Impact Excitation and Dielectronic Recombination of Highly Charged Tungsten Ions, Atoms 3(4), 474-494(2015). 

  35. L Y Xie*, C Ma, C Z Dong,J G Wang and Y Z QuPhotoionization of the ground 3s21S0 and excited 3s3p 3P2,1, 0 states of Fe XVJournal of Physics: Conference Series635, 092114(2015).

  36. L Y Xie*, J G Wang, Y Z Qu, C Z Dong, Relativistic R-Matrix calculations for the photoionization cross sections of C II, Journal of Physics: Conference Series488, 022026 (2014).

  37. L C Gao, L Y Xie*, D H Zhang*, J G Wang, Y L Shi, and C Z Dong, Photoionization cross section of Fe7+ ion, Journal of Physics: Conference Series488, 022024 (2014).

  38. Chen, Z. B.; Dong, C. Z.; Xie, L. Y.J. Jiang and Y.Song;.Electron impact excitation of xenon from the metastable state to the levels of 5p(5)7p configuration, Journal of Physics Conference Series488, 042017(2014).

  39. Ma, X. Y.; Wu, Z. W.; Dong, C. Z.;Y. L. Shi and L. Y. Xie.Polarization of the strongest nf -> 3d (n=4, 5, 6) radiative lines emitted from tungsten ions following EIE and DR processes, Journal of Physics Conference Series 488, 062021 (2014) .

  40. Shi, Y. L.; Dong, C. Z.; Ma, X. Y., Z. W. Wu, L. Y. Xie, Theoretical study of inner-shell electron-impact excitation of highly charged ions: Alignment and angular distribution of electron emission, Journal of Physics Conference Series488, 062020( 2014 ).

  41. Shi, Y. L.; Dong, C. Z.; Ma, X. Y., Z. W. Wu, L. Y. Xie and S. Fritzsche, Polarization of M2 line emitted from highly-charged beryllium-like ions following electron-impact excitation, Journal of Physics Conference Series488, 062029(2014) .

  42. L. Y. Xie, J. G. Wang, and R. K. JanevRelativistic effects in the photoionization of hydrogen-like ions with screened Coulomb interactionPhysics of Plasmas21, 063304 (2014).

  43. L. Y. Xie, X.Y.Ma, C.Z.Dong*, Z.W.Wu, Y.L.Shi, and J.Jiang, Polarization of the nf→3d (n=4, 5,6) x-rays from tungsten ions following electron-impact excitation and dielectronic recombination processes, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer,141, 31–39 (2014).

  44. L.Y. Xie, J.G. Wang, R.K. Janev, Y.Z. Qu, C.Z. DongEnergy levels and multipole transition properties of C4+ ion in Debye plasmasEur. Phys. J. D, 66(5), 125, (2012).

  45. Chen Zhan-Bin,Dong Chen-Zhong, Xie Lu-You, Jiang Jun, Influence of quantum interference on the polarization and angular distribution of x-ray radiation following electron impact excitation of highly charged H-like and He-like ions, Phys.Rev.A90, 012703 (2014).

  46. MA Kun, DONG Chen-Zhong, XIE Lu-You,DING Xiao-Bin, QU Yi-Zhi,Polarization and Angular Distribution of L X-Ray Following Inner-Shell 2p3/2 Photoionization of Magnesium-Like Ions, Chin. Phys. Lett.31(5), 053201 (2014).

  47. CHEN Zhan-Bin, DONG Chen-Zhong, XIE Lu-You, JIANG JunElectron Impact Excitation of Xenon from the Ground State and the Metastable State to the 5p57p Levels, Chin. Phys. Lett. 31(3) ,033401 (2014).

  48. MA Kun, DONG Chen-Zhong, XIE Lu-You, QU Yi-Zhi, Polarization Transfer in the 2P3/2 Photoionization of Magnesium-Like Ions, Chin. Phys. Lett. 31(10), 103201 (2014).

  49. JIANG Jun, DONG Chen-Zhong, XIE Lu-You , Electron Impact Excitations and Linear Polarization for 1s21S0–1s2p 3,1P1 Lines of Fe24+ Ions under Screened Coulomb Interactions, Chin. Phys. Lett. 31(2), 023401 (2014).

  50. Hongwei Hu,Zhanbin Chen,Fuli Li,Chenzhong Dong,Luyou Xie,Wencong ChenRelativistic energy levels for ions in plasmaCan. J. Phys. 92: 1609–1613 (2014).

  51. SHI Ying-Long, DONG Chen-Zhong, MA Xiao-Yun, WU Zhong-Wen, XIE Lu-You, FRITZSCHE Stephan ,Polarization of M2 Line Emitted Following Electron-Impact Excitation of Beryllium-Like Ions, Chin. Phys. Lett. 30(6) 063401 (2013).

  52. SHI Ying-Long, DONG Chen-Zhong, FRITZSCHE Stephan, ZHANG Deng-Hong, XIE Lu-You , Theory of X-Ray Anisotropy and Polarization Following the Dielectronic Recombination of Initially Hydrogen-Like Ions, Chin. Phys. Lett. 30(2), 023402(2013) .

  53. 王金霞, 师应龙, 张登红, 颉录有, 董晨钟 , 类锂离子双电子复合过程中辐射光子角分布和极化特性的理论研究, 物理学报62(23),233401 (2013).

  54. L C Gao, D H Zhang*, L Y Xie, J G Wang, Y L Shiand C Z DongTheoretical study of the photoionization process of Ne-like Ar, Fe, Kr and Xe ionsJ. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46,175402(2013).

  55. Liu Li-Juan, Xie Lu-You*, Chen Zhan-Bin, Jiang Jun, Dong Chen-ZhongA theoretical study on electron impact excitation differential cross sections and Stokes parameters of Mg atomActa Phys. Sin.,61(10), 103102 (2012).

  56. Liu Shang-Zong, Xie Lu-You*, Ding Xiao-Bin, Dong Chen-Zhong ,The effect of relativity on the structures and transition properties of Li-like ionsActa Phys. Sin., 61(9), 093106 ( 2012).

  57. WANG Xiang-Li, DONG Chen-Zhong, XIE Lu-You, SHI Ying-Long, SABER Ismail Abdalla, ZHOU Wei-Dong , The Radiative and Auger Decay Properties of K-Shell Ionized Np Ions, Chin. Phys. Lett. 29, 103201 (2012).

  58. Ma Xiao-Yun, Dong Chen-Zhong, Wu Zhong-Wen, Jiang Jun, Xie Lu-You, Theoretical study on electron-impact excitation processes and the relevant polarization of radiation of 2s1/2-2p3/2 in W65+ throughW71+, Acta Phys. Sin., 61,213401( 2012).

  59. C. Z. Dong, J. Jiang, D. H. Zhang, Y. L. Shi, Z. W. Wu, L. Y. Xie, X. B. Ding, J. J. Wan Theoretical study on electron impact excitation and recombination of highly charged ions, Journal of Physics: Conference Series388 (2012) 012004.

  60. Yang Ning-Xuan, Jiang Jun, Xie Lu-YouDong Chen-Zhong,Theoretical study on electron impact excitation of highly charged Ne-like ions, Acta. Phys. Sin. 59(2): 918-924 (2010).

  61. Yang Ning-Xuan, Dong Chen-Zhong, Jiang Jun,Xie Lu-YouElectron impact excitation rate coefficients of N II ionChinese Physics B, 19, 93101-093101(2010).

  62. Liu Yan-Jun, Jiang Jun, Dong Chen-Zhong, Xie Lu-you, Relativistic distorted-wave calculation of electron impact excitation cross sections of Be-like N3+ and O4+ ions, Acta Phys. Sin., 58(4), 2320-2327 (2009).

  63. Jun Jiang, Chen-Zhong Dong, Lu-You Xie, et al., Resonance electron-impact excitation and polarization of the magnetic quadrupole line of neonlike Ba46+ ionsPhy. Rev. A78, 022709 (2008).

  64. Jun Jiang, Chen-Zhong Dong, Lu-You Xie, et al., Electron impact excitation of xenon from the metastable state to the excited statesJ. Phys. B41, 245204 (2008).

  65. Xie Lu-You*, Dong Chen-Dong*, Jiang Jun, Wan Jian-Jie, Yan Jun,Two-electron and one-photon transitions in highly charged nickel-likeionsChinese Physics B17, 32942008.

  66. Xie Lu-you*, Zhang Zhi-Yuan, Dong Chen-Zhong*, Jiang Jun,Fully relativistic distorted-wave calculations for electron impact excitation of highly charged Nickel-like ions. Acta Phys. Sin.,57(10), 6249(2008) .

::::::::版权所有 2010-2012 西北师范大学物理与电子工程学院::::::::

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