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[发布单位:物理与电子工程学院    来源:物理与电子工程学院    发布时间:2020-02-28]


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1.主持国家自然科学基金项目2D-TMDs/ZnO复合纳米结构的合成及气敏机制2020.01-2023.12批准号: 11964035

2.参与国家自然科学基金项目ZnSn(OH)6/纳米结构及Zn2SnO4复合材料的制备及气敏特性研究2019.01-2022.12批准号: 11864034

3. 主持中国博士后科学基金面上项目第64批,串珠状ZnO中空纳米结构的可控构筑及丙酮气敏增强机理,2018.01-2019.12批准号: 2018M642426

4.主持甘肃省青年科技基金计划模板法制备ZnO基空心纳米结构传感器及VOCs探测敏感性能系统研究,2017.07-2019.07批准号: 17JR5RA072

5. 主持甘肃省高等学校科研项目ZnSn金属氧化物纳米结构的制备工艺及气敏特性研究,2015.07-2017.07批准号: 2015B-027

6. 主持西北师范大学青年教师科研能力提升计划低维ZnO纳米功能材料的制备及特性研究,2014.01-2015.12批准号: NWNU-LKQN-13-18

7. 主持甘肃省原子分子物理与功能材料重点实验室开放课题稀土La掺杂 ZnO纳米结构的光学及气敏特性研究2013.01-2013.12

8. 参与甘肃省自然科学基金项目(低维ZnO纳米材料的制备及其气敏增强机理的研究,2013.01-2015.12批准号: 1308RJZA258

9. 参与甘肃省高等学校科研项目,纳米氮化铜薄膜场致电子发射性能及机理研究2012.01-2014.12批准号: YWF-2012-007

10. 参与教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金资助项ZnO基纳米薄膜材料的强紫外光发射以及蓝色发射的机理研究,2011.01-2013.12

11. 参与甘肃省留学回国人员择优资助项目低维ZnO纳米材料的制备及其气敏增强机理的研究2012.01-2014.12

12. 参与甘肃省自然科学基金项目过渡金属掺杂ZnO基稀磁半导体薄膜材料的制备及特性研究,2008.01-2010.12


1. 2018年,甘肃省自然科学奖,Sn/Zn氧化物纳米结构可控构筑及有机污染性气体敏感探测,三等奖,中共甘肃省委、甘肃省人民政府,排名第二




5. 2016年,甘肃省自然科学奖,Ag/Cu/Fe掺杂ZnO纳米结构的制备及光电和气敏特性研究,三等奖,中共甘肃省委、甘肃省人民政府,排名第三

6. 2016年,甘肃省高等学校科技进步奖,掺杂ZnSn金属氧化物纳米结构的光电及气敏特性研究,二等奖,甘肃省教育厅,排名第二

7. 2012年,甘肃省高等学校科技进步奖,纳米光电材料与超导材料的制备和特性研究,一等奖,排名第四

8. 2011年,西北师范大学教学成果奖,大学物理实验教学体系的改革和完善,二等奖,排名第十


本课题组研究方向为先进功能材料制备、光电/气敏性质及相关器件应用技术:(1) 金属氧化物半导体气敏材料制备工艺及敏感性质、易燃易爆VOCs的敏感探测及敏感器件设计。迄今在Sens. Actuators B》、《Mater. Lett.》、《Appl. Surf. Sci.J. Alloys Compd.》等领域内权威高水平期刊发表SCI检索论文四十余篇(2) 新型半导体发光材料与器件。重点针对铅卤钙钛矿材料的合成工艺、发光性质及器件应用。有关铅卤钙钛矿材料的最新研究工作发表在《ACS Appl. Mater. Inter.》。课题组现有齐全完善的纳米材料合成设备及成熟的研究团队。课题组与中科院兰州化物所、兰州大学、浙江大学、苏州大学等重点科研机构建立了良好的合作研究关系,充分保障研究生高效高质量开展高水平研究工作。欢迎热爱科研工作、富有团队合作精神的同学们加入!


(1) Xiaoli Xu, Haiping He, Jing Li, Zhizhen Ye, Embedded Two-Dimensional Perovskite Nanoplatelets with Air-Stable Luminescence, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces2019, 11(8): 8436-8442. SCI一区, IF: 8.456

(2) Yan Chen,Xiaoli Xu, Xiaoyong Li, Guoheng Zhang, Vacancy induced room temperature ferromagnetism in Cu-doped ZnO nanofibers, Applied Surface Science 2020, 506: 144905. SCI,IF: 5.155

(3) Xiaoli Xu, Haiping He, Zhishan Fang, HaoranLou, Chen Lin, LingxiangChen, Zhizhen Ye, Ultrasonication-Assisted Ambient-Air Synthesis of CsPbBr3 Quantum Dots for White LightEmission, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2019, 2(11): 6874-6879.

(4) Xiaoli Xu, Yan Chen, Guoheng Zhang, Haiqin Bian, Minshen Zhao, Shuyi Ma, Optical properties and the band-gap variation in diverse Zn1-xSnxO nanostructures, Superlattices and Microstructures2018, 123:349-357.SCI三区, IF: 2.385

(5) Xiaoli Xu, Yan Chen,Guoheng Zhang,Shuyi Ma,Yan Lu,HaiqinBian, Qiong Chen, Highly sensitive VOCs-acetone sensor based on Ag-decorated SnO2 hollow nanofibers, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 703572-579. SCI二区, IF: 4.175

(6) X.L. Xu, Y. Chen, G.H. Zhang, S.H. Yan, H.Q. Bian, Q. Chen, Y.Lu, S.Y. Ma, Fabrication of Pr-doped SnO2 spherical core-shell nanostructurewith wrinkly shell and the gas sensing properties, Materials Letters, 2017, 195: 159-163. SCI二区, IF: 3.019

(7) X.L. Xu, Y. Chen, S.Y. Ma, W.Q. Li, Y.Z. Mao, Excellent acetonesensor of La-doped ZnO nanofibers with unique bead-like structures, Sensors andActuators B: Chemical, 2015, 213:222-233.SCI一区, IF: 6.393

(8) X.L. Xu, Y. Chen, S.Y. Ma, S.H. Yan, Y.Z. Mao, T. Wang, H.Q. Bian, CTAB-assisted synthesis of unique 3D ZnO and the acetone sensingperformances, Materials Letters, 2015, 151:5-8.SCI二区, IF: 3.019

(9) X.L. Xu, Y. Chen, S.Y. Ma, W.Q. Li, Y.Z. Mao, S.H. Yan, T. Wang, Facile synthesis of SnO2 mesoporous tubular nanostructure with high sensitivity toethanol, Materials Letters, 2015, 143:55-59.SCI二区, IF: 3.019

(10) Q. Chen, S.Y. Ma, X.L. Xu, H.Y. Jiao, G.H. Zhang, L.W. Liu, P.Y. Wang,D.J. Gengzang, H.H. Yao, Optimization ethanol detection performance manifested by gas sensor based on In2O3/ZnS rough microspheres, Sensors and Actuators B, 264 (2018) 263-278.SCI

(11) W.Q. Wang, S.Y. Ma,X.L. Xu, K.M. Zhu, L. Ma, Q.X. Zhang, Y. Tie. Optimization of formaldehyde detection performance based on Ni2+ sensitized monodisperse amorphous zinc tin oxide microcubes. Materials Letters, 239 (2019) 207-211. SCI

(12) Kaiming Zhu, Shuyi Ma, Yue Tie, Qixian Zhang, Wenqing Wang, Shitu Pei, Xiaoli Xu. Highly sensitive formaldehyde gas sensors based on Y-doped SnO2 hierarchical flower-shaped nanostructures. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 792 (2019) 938-944.SCI

(13) Q. Ge, S.Y. Ma, Y.B. Xu, X.L. Xu, H. Chen, Z. Qiang, H.M. Yang, L. Ma, Q.Z. Zeng, Preparation, characterization and gas sensing properties of Pr-dopedZnO/SnO2 nanoflowers, Materials Letters, 2017, 191:5-9. SCI

(14) Y. Lu, Y.H. Ma, S.Y. Ma, W.X. Jin, S.H. Yan, Q. Chen, X.L. Xu, Curly porous NiO nanosheets with enhanced gas-sensing properties, MaterialsLetters, 2017.3.1, 190:252~255. SCI

(15) Qiong Chen, Shu Yi Ma, Hai Yan Jiao, Guo Heng Zhang, Hui Chen, Xiao Li Xu, Heng Ming Yang, Zhen Qiang, Synthesis of novel ZnSnO3 hollowpolyhedrons with open nanoholes: Enhanced acetone-sensing performance, CeramicsInternational, 2017.1.01, 43(1, Part B):1617~1621. SCI

(16) Y. Lu, Y.H. Ma, S.Y. Ma, W.X. Jin, S.H. Yan, X.L. Xu, X.H.Jiang, T.T. Wang, H.M. Yang, H. Chen, Z. Qiang, Synthesis of cactus-like NiOnanostructure and their gas-sensing properties, MaterialsLetters, 2016, 164:48-51. SCI

(17) Haiqin Bian, Shuyi Ma, Aimin Sun, Xiaoli Xu, Guijin Yang, ShaohuiYan, Jiming Gao, Zhengmei Zhang, Haibin Zhu, Improvement of acetone gas sensingperformance of ZnO nanoparticles, Journal of Alloys andCompounds, 2016, 658:629-635. SCI

(18) Shaohui Yan, Shuyi Ma, Xiaoli Xu, Yan Lu, Haiqin Bian, XiyinLiang, Wenxuan Jin, Hengming Yang, Synthesis and gas sensing application ofporous CeO2–ZnO hollow fibers using cotton as biotemplates, MaterialsLetters, 2016, 165:9-13. SCI

(19) Haiqin Bian, Shuyi Ma, Guijin Yang, Haibin Zhu, Xiaoli Xu, Shaohui Yan, Jiming Gao, Zhengmei Zhang, The optical and electrical properties of ZnO:Zr films, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016.2.22, 672:20~26. SCI

(20) Q. Ge, S.Y. Ma, Y.B. Xu, X.L. Xu,H. Chen, Z. Qiang, H.M. Yang, L.Ma, Q.Z. Zeng, Preparation, characterization and gas sensing properties ofPr-doped ZnO/SnO2 nanoflowers, Materials Letters, 2016.12.31, 191:5~9. SCI

(21) H. Chen, S.Y. Ma, H.Y. Jiao, G.J. Yang, X.L. Xu,T.T. Wang, X.H.Jiang, Z.Y. Zhang, The effect microstructure on the gas properties of Ag dopedzinc oxide sensors: Spheres and sea-urchin-like nanostructures, Journal ofAlloys and Compounds, 2016.12.5, 687:342~351. SCI

(22) S.H. Yan, S.Y. Ma, W.Q. Li, X.L. Xu, L. Cheng, H.S. Song, X.Y. Liang, Synthesis of SnO2–ZnO heterostructured nanofibers for enhanced ethanolgas-sensing performance, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2015, 221:88-95. SCI

(23) T.T. Wang, S.Y. Ma, L. Cheng, X.L. Xu, J. Luo, X.H. Jiang, W.Q.Li, W.X. Jin, X.X. Sun, Performance of 3D SnO2 microstructure with porousnanosheets for acetic acid sensing, Materials Letters, 2015, 142:141-144. SCI

(24) X.H. Jiang, S.Y. Ma, A.M. Sun, X.L. Xu, W.Q. Li, T.T. Wang, W.X.Jin, J. Luo, L. Cheng, Y.Z. Mao, 3D porous flower-like SnO2 microstructure andits gas sensing properties for ethanol, Materials Letters, 2015, 159:5-8. SCI

(25) Haiqin Bian, Shuyi Ma, Aimin Sun, Xiaoli Xu, Guijin Yang, JimingGao, Zhengmei Zhang, Haibin Zhu, Characterization and acetone gas sensingproperties of electrospun TiO2 nanorods, Superlattices andMicrostructures, 2015, 81:107-113. SCI

(26) W.X. Jin, S.Y. Ma, Z.Z. Tie, X.H. Jiang, W.Q. Li, J. Luo, X.L.Xu, T.T. Wang, Hydrothermal synthesis of monodisperse porous cube, cake andspheroid-like α-Fe2O3 particles and their high gas-sensing properties, Sensorsand Actuators B: Chemical, 2015, 220:243-254. SCI

(27) S.H. Yan, S.Y. Ma, X.L. Xu, W.Q. Li, J. Luo, W.X. Jin, T.T.Wang, X.H. Jiang, Y. Lu, H.S. Song, Preparation of SnO2–ZnO hetero-nanofibersand their application in acetone sensing performance, MaterialsLetters, 2015, 159:447-450. SCI

(28) W.X. Jin, S.Y. Ma, Z.Z. Tie, X.L. Xu, X.H. Jiang, W.Q. Li, T.T.Wang, Y. Lu, S.H. Yan, Enhanced acetone sensing performance of monodisperseporous hamburger-like α-Fe2O3 microparticles, MaterialsLetters, 2015, 160:484-487. SCI

(29) F.M. Li, X.B. Li, S.Y. Ma, L. Chen, W.Q. Li, C.T. Zhu, X.L. Xu, Y.Chen, Y.F. Li, G. Lawson, Influence of Ce doping on microstructure of ZnOnanoparticles and their acetone sensing properties, Journal of Alloys andCompounds, 2015, 649:1136-1144. SCI

(30) X.H. Jiang, S.Y. Ma, A.M. Sun, Z.M. Zhang, W.X. Jin, T.T.Wang, W.Q. Li, X.L. Xu, J. Luo, L. Cheng, Y.Z. Mao, M. Zhang, Hydrothermalself-assembly of novel porous flower-like SnO2 architecture and its applicationin ethanol sensor, Applied Surface Science, 2015, 355:1192-1200. SCI

(31) W.X. Jin, S.Y. Ma, Z.Z. Tie, W.Q. Li, J. Luo, L. Cheng, X.L.Xu, T.T. Wang, X.H. Jiang, Y.Z. Mao, Synthesis of hierarchical SnO2 nanoflowerswith enhanced acetic acid gas sensing properties, Applied SurfaceScience, 2015, 353:71-78. SCI

(32) W.X. Jin, S.Y. Ma, Z.Z. Tie, X.L. Xu, X.H. Jiang, W.Q. Li, T.T.Wang, Y. Lu, S.H. Yan, Synthesis of monodisperse ZnO hollow six-sided pyramidsand their high gas-sensing properties, Materials Letters, 2015, 159:102-105. SCI

(33) Wenqi Li, Shuyi Ma, Yingfeng Li, Guijin Yang, Yuzhen Mao, JingLuo, Duojie Gengzang, Xiaoli Xu, Shaohui Yan, Enhanced ethanol sensingperformance of hollow ZnO–SnO2 core–shell nanofibers, Sensors and ActuatorsB: Chemical, 2015, 211:392-402. SCI

(34) Y.Z. Mao, S.Y. Ma, W.Q. Li, J. Luo, L. Cheng, D.J. Gengzang, X.L.Xu, Synthesis of porous small-sized ZnO nanoparticles and their gas-sensingperformance, Materials Letters, 2015, 157:151-154. SCI

(35) Wenqi Li, Shuyi Ma, Guijin Yang, Yuzhen Mao, Jing Luo, LiangCheng, Duojie Gengzang, Xiaoli Xu, Shaohui Yan, Preparation, characterizationand gas sensing properties of pure and Ce doped ZnO hollownanofibers, Materials Letters, 2015, 138:188-191. SCI

(36) Y.Z. Mao, S.Y. Ma, W.Q. Li, X.L. Xu, D.J. Gengzang, J. Luo, L.Cheng, Synthesis of porous spherical ZnO nanoparticles and measurement of theirgas-sensing property, Materials Letters, 2014, 134:80-83. SCI

(37) X.B. Li, Q.Q. Zhang, S.Y. Ma, G.X. Wan, F.M. Li, X.L. Xu, Microstructure optimization and gas sensing improvement of ZnO spherical structurethrough yttrium doping, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2014, 195:526-533. SCI

(38) W.Q. Li, S.Y. Ma, J. Luo, Y.Z. Mao, L. Cheng, D.J. Gengzang, X.L.Xu, S.H. Yan, Synthesis of hollow SnO2 nanobelts and their application inacetone sensor, Materials Letters, 2014, 132:338-341. SCI

(39) W.Q. Li, S.Y. Ma, Y.F. Li, X.B. Li, C.Y. Wang, X.H. Yang, L.Cheng, Y.Z. Mao, J. Luo, D.J. Gengzang, G.X. Wan, X.L. Xu, Preparation ofPr-doped SnO2 hollow nanofibers by electrospinning method and their gas sensingproperties, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014, 605:80-88. SCI

(40) C.Y. Wang, S.Y. Ma, F.M. Li, Y. Chen, X.L. Xu, T. Wang, F.C.Yang, Q. Zhao, J. Liu, X.L. Zhang, X.B. Li, X.H. Yang, J. Zhu, The effect of Mgand Al co-doping on the structural and photoelectric properties of ZnO thinfilm, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2014, 17:27-32. SCI

(41) Effect of oxygen deficiency on optical band gap shift in Er-doped ZnO thin films, Y. Chen, X.L. Xu, Physica B, 2011, Vol.406, 3121-3124. SCI

(42) Blue shift of optical band gap in Er-doped ZnO thin films deposited by direct current reactive magnetron sputtering technique, Y. Chen, X.L. Xu, G. H. Zhang, H. Xue, S. Y. Ma, Physica E,2010, Vol.42, 1713-1716. SCI

(43) A comparative study of the microstructures and optical properties of Cu- and Ag-doped ZnO thin films, Y. Chen, X.L. Xu, G.H. Zhang, H. Xue, S.Y. Ma, Physica B, 2009, Vol.404, 3645-3649. SCI

(44) X-ray diffraction spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies of Cu-doped ZnO films, H. Xue, Y. Chen, X.L. Xu, G.H. Zhang, H. Zhang, S.Y. Ma, Physica E, 2009, Vol.41, 788-791. SCI

(45) Influence of Ag-doping on the optical properties of ZnO films, H. Xue, X.L. Xu, Y. Chen, G.H. Zhang, S.Y. Ma, Applied Surface Science, 2008, Vol.255, 1806-1810. SCI

(46)射频磁控溅射法制备ZnO薄膜的结构及发光特性研究,光谱学与光谱分析,徐小丽,马书懿,陈彦 等,200828(9):2028-2032. SCIE

(47)衬底温度对磁控溅射法制备ZnO薄膜的结构及光学特性的影响,功能材料,徐小丽,马书懿,陈彦 等,200738(5):746-749. EI

(48)氧分压对磁控溅射制备ZnO薄膜结构及光学特性的影响,发光学报,徐小丽,马书懿,陈彦 等,200728(5):730-735. EI

::::::::版权所有 2010-2012 西北师范大学物理与电子工程学院::::::::

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