[发布单位:物理与电子工程学院 来源:物理与电子工程学院 发布时间:2013-03-05]
基本情况 | |
姓 名 | 马书懿 |
性 别 | 女 |
出 生 日 期 | 1965 |
党 派 | 无 |
职 称 | 教授/博导 |
研 究 方 向 | 凝聚态物理,光电子学 |
籍 贯 | 甘肃 酒泉 |
电 邮 | E --- mail:mashuyi1965@163.com |
教育背景及主要工作经历 | |
马书懿1981年考取兰州大学物理系理论物理专业;1997年在北京大学物理系获得博士学位;毕业后进入兰州大学博士后流动站工作。2008-2009美国DUKE(杜克大学)访问教授(Visiting Professor). 近十年来从事纳米功能材料的制备和特性研究。 | |
行政和社会兼职工作 | |
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个人荣誉 | |
2010年甘肃省领军人才; | |
教学工作 | |
为本科生讲授《电动力学》、《量子力学》、《物理学前沿讲座》和《固体物理》等专业课; 为研究生讲授《固体理论》、《半导体理论》等专业课。 | |
科研项目 | |
国家自然科学基金; 教育部优秀回国人员科研基金项目; 国家留学基金西部项目; 教育部重点科研基金项目; 甘肃省自然科学基金; 国家博士后科研基金; 甘肃省教育厅研究生导师科研基金; 甘肃省高分子材料重点实验室开放基金; 甘肃省教委科研基金和西北师范大学青年科研基金; | |
获奖情况 | |
2016年获得甘肃省教育厅科技进步二等奖; 2014年获得甘肃省教育厅科技进步三等奖; 2012年获得甘肃省教育厅科技进步一等奖; 2006年获得甘肃省青年科技奖; 2006年获得甘肃省教育厅科技进步三等奖; 2005年入选甘肃省555创新人才工程第一层次; 2004年获得甘肃省科技进步二等奖; 2004年获得甘肃省教育厅科技进步三等奖; 2002年获得甘肃省教委科技进步一等奖; 2001年获得优秀青年科学家国际会议资助; 2001年获得甘肃省高等学校优秀青年教师成才奖; 2000年获得甘肃省教委科技进步三等奖; | |
发表论文目录,近10年发表SCI论文100篇,20篇代表性论文目录: [1] W.X. Jin, S.Y. Ma*, Z.Z. Tie, J.J. Wei, J. Luo, X.H. Jiang, T.T. Wang, W.Q. Li, One-step synthesis and highly gas-sensing properties of hierarchical Cu-doped SnO2 nanoflowers, Sens Actuators B: Chem. 213 (2015) 171–180. (IF=3.84, SCI一区) [2] L. Cheng, S.Y. Ma*, T.T. Wang, J. Luo. Three-dimensional SnO2 nanostructures assembled by porous nanosheets and their improved gas sensing properties, Mater. Lett. 143 (2015) 84–87. [3] X.L. Xu, Y. Chen, S.Y. Ma*, W.Q. Li, Y.Z. Mao, Excellent acetone sensor of La-doped ZnO nanofibers with unique bead-like structures, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 213 (2015) 222-233. [4] X.L. Xu, Y. Chen, S.Y. Ma*, W.Q. Li, Y.Z. Mao, S.H. Yan, T. Wang, Facile synthesis of SnO2 mesoporous tubular nanostructure with high sensitivity to ethanol, Materials Letters, 143 (2015) 55-59. [5] X.L. Xu, Y. Chen, S.Y. Ma*, S.H. Yan, Y.Z. Mao, T. Wang, H.Q. Bian, CTAB-assisted synthesis of unique 3D ZnO and the acetone sensing performances, Materials Letters, 151 (2015) 5-8. [6] T.T. Wang, S.Y. Ma*, L. Cheng, J. Luo, X.H. Jiang, W.Q. Li, W.X. Jin, X.X. Sun. Performance of 3D SnO2 microstructure with porous nanosheets for acetic acid sensing, Mater. Lett. 142 (2015) 141–144. [7] T.T. Wang, S.Y. Ma*, L. Cheng, J. Luo, X.H. Jiang, W.X. Jin. Preparation of Yb-doped SnO2 hollow nanofibers with an enhanced ethanol-gas sensing performance by electrospinning, Sens Actuators B: Chem. 216 (2015) 212-220. [8] J. Luo, S.Y. Ma*, L. Cheng, H.S. Song, W.Q. Li. Facile fabrication and enhanced acetic acid sensing properties of honeycomb-like porous ZnO, Mater. Lett. 138 (2015) 100–103. [9] W.X. Jin, S.Y. Ma*, A.M. Sun, J. Luo, L. Cheng, W.Q. Li, Z.Z. Tie, X.H. Jiang, T.T. Wang. Synthesis of hierarchical SnO2 nanoflowers and their high gas-sensing properties, Mater. Lett. 143 (2015) 283–286. [10] Wenqi Li, Shuyi Ma*, Guijin Yang, Yuzhen Mao, Jing Luo,Preparation, characterization and gas sensing properties of pure and Ce doped ZnO hollow nanofibers, Mater. Lett. 138 (2015) 188–191. [11] X.H. Jiang, S.Y. Ma*, W.Q. Li, T.T. Wang, W.X. Jin, Synthesis of hierarchical ZnO nanostructure assembled by nanorods and their performance for gas sensing, Mater. Lett. 142 (2015) 299–303. [12] W.X. Jin, S.Y. Ma*, Z.Z. Tie, W.Q. Li, J. Luo, L. Cheng, Synthesis of hierarchical SnO2 nano flowers with enhanced acetic acidgas sensing properties, Applied Surface Science, 353 (2015) 71–78. [13] W.X.Jin, S.Y. Ma*, Z.Z.Tie, X.L.Xu, X.H.Jiang, W.Q.Li, Synthesis of monodisperse ZnO hollow six-sided pyramid sand their high gas-sensing properties, Mater. Lett. 159 (2015) 102–105. [14] W.X. Jin, S.Y. Ma*, Z.Z. Tie, X.H. Jiang, W.Q. Li, J. Luo, X.L. Xu, Hydrothermal synthesis of monodisperse porous cube, cake and spheroid-like α-Fe2O3 particles and their high gas-sensing properties, Sens Actuators B: Chem. 220 (2015) 243-254. [15] X.H. Jiang, S.Y. Ma*, A.M.Sun, X.L.Xu, W.Q.Li, T.T.Wang, 3D porous flower-like SnO2 microstructure and its gas sensing properties for ethanol, Mater. Lett. 159 (2015) 5–8. [16] Wenqi Li, Shuyi Ma *, Yingfeng Li, Guijin Yang, Yuzhen Mao, Enhanced ethanol sensing performance of hollow ZnO–SnO2core–shell nanofibers, Sens Actuators B: Chem. 211 (2015) 392-402. [17] Y.Z. Mao, S.Y. Ma*, W.Q.Li, J.Luo, L.Cheng, D.J.Gengzang, X.L.Xu, Synthesis of porous small-sized ZnO nanoparticles and their gas-sensing performance, Mater. Lett. 157 (2015)151–154. [18] G.X. Wan, S.Y. Ma*, X.W.Sun, A.M.Sun, X.B.Li, J.Luo, W.Q.Li, Synthesis of wrinkled and porous ZnO–SnO2 hollow nanofibers and their gas sensing properties, Mater. Lett. 145 (2015) 48–51. [19] L. Cheng, T.T. Wang, S.Y. Ma*, J. Luo, T. Wang, H.B. Zhu, Highly enhanced gas sensing properties of porous TiO2-SnO2 composite nanotubes with heterostructure based on electrospinning method, Sens Actuators B: Chem. 216 (2015) 212-220. [20] S.H. Yan, S.Y. Ma*, W.Q. Li, X.L. Xu, L. Cheng, Synthesis of SnO2–ZnO heterostructured nanofibers for enhanced ethanol gas-sensing performance, Sens Actuators B: Chem. 221 (2015) 88-95. |
::::::::版权所有 2010-2012 西北师范大学物理与电子工程学院::::::::
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