[发布单位: 来源:物理与电子工程学院 发布时间:2024-12-23]
教师简介 | |
基本情况 | |
姓 名 | 赵松峰 |
性 别 | 男 |
党 派 | 中共党员 |
职 称 | 教授 |
职 务 | 原子与分子物理研究所所长 |
研 究 方 向 | 强激光场中的原子分子物理 |
籍 贯 | 甘肃天水 |
工 作 单 位 | 西北师范大学物理与电子工程学院 |
地 址 | 甘肃省兰州市安宁区安宁东路967号 |
电 邮 | zhaosf@nwnu.edu.cn |
教育背景及主要工作经历 | |
教育背景: 1.1997.9-2001.7 西北师范大学物理系获理学学士学位,并被推荐免试攻读硕士研究生; 2.2001.9-2004.7西北师范大学原子与分子物理研究所获理学硕士学位; 3.2004.9-2008.7西北师范大学原子与分子物理研究所获理学博士学位。 主要工作经历: 1.2004.7-2005.8 西北师范大学物理与电子工程学院助教; 2.2005.9-2008.10 西北师范大学物理与电子工程学院讲师; 3.2008.11-2014.6 西北师范大学物理与电子工程学院副教授; 4.2008.10-2010.11/2015.3-2016.8 美国堪萨斯州立大学物理系C. D. Lin教授课题组访问学者; 5.2014.7-至今 西北师范大学物理与电子工程学院教授; 6.2016.9-至今 西北师范大学物理与电子工程学院博士生导师。 | |
研究方向简介 | |
本研究小组长期以来从事强激光场中的原子分子物理方向的理论研究。主要开展原子分子在激光场中的电离和解离,高次谐波和阿秒脉冲的产生、优化和调控,阈下谐波的产生机理,太赫兹波的产生和调控等方面的研究工作。 | |
社会兼职工作 | |
1.西北师范大学学术委员会委员(2018.12-); 2.全国计算原子与分子物理专业委员会委员(2023.5-); 3.高等学校物理学类力学研究会理事(2021.7-); 4.甘肃省物理学会理事(2023.7-); 5.甘肃省欧美同学会暨甘肃留学回国人员联谊会理事(2018.8-2023.8); 6.国家自然科学基金函评专家; 7.Physical Review Letters, Communication Physics, Physical Review A,New journal of Physics, Journal of Physics B, Optic communications,Chinese Physics Letters, Chinese Physics B,物理学报等20余种期刊审稿人。 | |
个人荣誉 | |
1.2014,2016和2018年入选西北师范大学“双星计划”; | |
教学工作 | |
1.主讲本科生《理论力学》和博士研究生《强场物理》; 2.主讲课程《理论力学》在卢飞麟教授带领下获2006年度甘肃省省级精品课程,在张彦副教授负责下获2022年校级课程思政示范课程; 3.主讲课程《力学》在袁萍教授带领下获2020年度甘肃省一流本科课程、2021年校级课程思政示范课程; 4.参与由南开大学刘玉斌教授主持的《理论力学》虚拟教研室; 5.合作发表教学论文1篇(张彦,杜宁,赵松峰,物理教育44,90 (2022))。 | |
科研项目 | |
1.原子分子在椭圆偏振激光场中的高次谐波和电离特性研究,国家自然科学基金(12164044),2022-2025 (主持,在研); 2.宏观传播效应对分子在强激光场中产生高次谐波的影响,国家自然科学基金(11664035),2017-2020 (主持,已结项); 3.强激光场中的原子分子物理,西北师范大学青年教师科研能力提升计划团队项目(NWNU-LKQN-17-1),2018-2020(主持,已结项); 4.用模型势方法研究多电子分子在强激光场中的性质,国家自然科学基金(11164025),2012-2015 (主持,已结项); 5.原子在强激光场中产生高次谐波的宏观效应,教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20116203120001), 2012-2014 (主持,已结项); 6.强激光场高阶效应对原子性质的影响,国家自然科学基金(10274063),2003-2005 (参与,已结项); 7.多电子分子在强激光场中非线性性质的研究,国家自然科学基金(10674112),2007-2009 (参与,已结项); 8.强激光场中原子分子产生的阿秒脉冲和电离特性研究,国家自然科学基金(11047016),2011-2013 (参与,已结项); 9.西北师范大学理论物理专业学术交流平台和人才团队建设,国家自然科学基金(11947407),2020年(参与,已结项); 10.西北师范大学理论物理专业学术交流平台和人才团队建设,国家自然科学基金(12047574),2021年(参与,已结项); 11.西北师范大学理论物理专业学术交流平台和人才团队建设,国家自然科学基金(12147213),2022年(参与,已结项); | |
获奖情况 | |
1.原子、分子和离子的激发、电离和辐射性质的研究,甘肃省高校科技进步一等奖(2008) (排名第6); 2.强激光场中原子分子性质的研究,甘肃省高校科技进步二等奖(2010)(排名第4); 3.原子分子在强激光场中性质的理论研究,甘肃省自然科学奖三等奖(2011)(排名第2); 4.原子分子在强场中的电离和高次谐波研究,甘肃省高校科技进步二等奖(2012)(排名第2); 5.强激光与原子分子相互作用的研究,甘肃省高校科学研究优秀成果二等奖(2015) (排名第4); 6.原子分子在强激光场中高次谐波和电离性质的研究,甘肃省自然科学奖三等奖(2018)(排名第2); 7. Song-Feng Zhao, Cheng Jin, Anh-Thu Le, T. F. Jiang, and C. D. Lin, Determination of the structure parameters in the molecular tunneling ionization theory, Phys. Rev. A 81, 033423 (2010)一文被Phys. Rev. A.期刊评为2010年度Highlights论文; 8.叶小亮,周效信,赵松峰,李鹏程,物理学报58,1579 (2009)一文被中国物理学会评为2014年度“最有影响论文奖”一等奖; 9.“激光与原子分子”本科生创新团队成员范悦宁,赵述锐,齐有龙,《用虚拟探测法研究一维原子的隧穿电离》获第13届“挑战杯”甘肃省大学生课外学术科技作品二等奖,本人被授予优秀指导教师; 10.硕士研究生马茂云获UltrafastX 2021优秀墙报奖; 11.博士研究生龚雪获2023年全国计算原子与分子物理学术会议优秀墙报奖; 12.博士研究生贾妍雯获2024年全国计算原子与分子物理学术会议优秀墙报奖。 | |
发表论文目录 | |
近年来,在J. Phys. Chem. Lett.、Phys. Rev. A、Opt. Express、J. Phys. B、J. Opt. Soc. Am. B、Phys. Plasma、Chin. Phys. Lett.等国内外学术刊物上发表论文100余篇,发表论文被Chem. Rev.、Nature、Nature Photonics、Nature Communications、PNAS、Phys. Rev. Lett.等期刊引用1000余次, H-index=17 (见Research ID: P-8304-2014)。 主要的代表性论文有: 1.Wen-Quan Jing, Zhao-Peng Sun, Song-Feng Zhao, and Chuan-Cun Shu, Unveiling coherent control of halomethane dissociation induced by a single strong UV pulse, J. Phys. Chem. Lett.14, 11305 (2023)(SCI二区). 2.Song-Feng Zhao, Cheng Jin, Anh-Thu Le, T. F. Jiang, and C. D. Lin, Determination of the structure parameters in the molecular tunneling ionization theory, Phys. Rev. A 81, 033423 (2010) (SCI二区). 3.Song-Feng Zhao, Cheng Jin, Anh-Thu Le, T. F. Jiang, and C. D. Lin, Analysis of Angular Dependence of Strong Field Tunneling ionization for CO2, Phys. Rev. A80, 051402(R) (2009) (SCI二区). 4.Song-Feng Zhao, Anh-Thu Le, Cheng Jin, Xu Wang, and C. D. Lin, An analytical model for calibrating laser intensity in strong field ionization experiments, Phys. Rev. A 93, 023413 (2016) (SCI二区). 5.Song-Feng Zhao, Xiao-Xin Zhou,Peng-Cheng Li, and Zhangjin Chen, An isolated short attosecond pulse produced by using intense few-cycle shaped laser and an ultraviolet attosecond pulse, Phys. Rev. A78, 063404 (2008) (SCI二区). 6.Song-Feng Zhao, Na Wang, Ying-Juan Li, Zhong Guan, Guo-Li Wang, Toru Morishita and Peng-Cheng Li, Determination of model potential parameters by fitting the numerical potentials from density functional theory, J. Phys. B 54, 175601 (2021) (SCI三区). 7.Song-Feng Zhao, Junliang Xu, Cheng Jin, Anh-Thu Le, and C. D. Lin, Effect of orbital symmetry on the orientation dependence of strong field tunnelling ionization of nonlinear polyatomic molecules, J. Phys. B 44, 035601 (2011) (SCI三区). 8.Yun Pan, Song-Feng Zhao, and Xiao-Xin Zhou, Generation of isolated sub-40-as pulse from gas-phase CO molecule using an intensefew-cycle chirped laser and a unipolar pulse,Phys. Rev. A85, 035805 (2013) (SCI 二区). 9.Mao-Yun Ma, Jun-Ping Wang, Wen-Quan Jing, Zhong Guan, Zhi-Hong Jiao, Guo-Li Wang, Jian-Hong Chen, and Song-Feng Zhao, Controlling the atomic-orbital- resolved photoionization for neon atoms by counter-rotating circularly polarized attosecond pulses, Optics Express 29, 33245 (2021)(SCI二区). 10.Yan-Wen Jia, C. H. Yuen, Wen-Quan Jing, Zhong-Yao Zhou, C. D. Lin, and Song-Feng Zhao, Improved model for the dissociative sequential double ionization of nitrogen molecules by an intense few-cycle infrared laser pulse, Phys. Rev. A 110, 023112 (2024)(SCI二区). 发表文章目录 2024年 104.景文泉,贾利娟,孙兆鹏,赵松峰,束传存,超快强场相干调控卤代甲烷分子解离研究, 物理学报73, 243301 (2024) (SCI 78) (编辑推荐). 103.Zhi-Hong Jiao, Tian-Xiang Ma, Sheng Zhang, Jin-Xu Du, Guo-Li Wang, and Song-Feng Zhao, Saddle point analysis on selective enhancement of high-order harmonic generation, Optics Express 32, 45453 (2024) (SCI 77). 102.Xue Gong, Jin-Xu Du, Pan Wei, Xiao-Yong Li, Wei Li, Zhi-Hong Jiao, Guo-Li Wang, and Song-Feng Zhao, Near-circularly polarized isolated attosecond pulse generation from a current-carrying state of Ar atom by two-color cross-linearly- polarized laser fields, Europhys. Lett. 148, 25001 (2024) (SCI 76) . 101.Yan-Wen Jia, C. H. Yuen, Wen-Quan Jing, Zhong-Yao Zhou, C. D. Lin, and Song-Feng Zhao, Improved model for the dissociative sequential double ionization of nitrogen molecules by an intense few-cycle infrared laser pulse, Phys. Rev. A 110, 023112 (2024) (SCI 75). 100.Jian-Hong Chen and Song-Feng Zhao, Effect of Orbital Symmetry on Time- Energy Distributions of F- Ions in the Attoclock Scheme, Symmetry 16, 1019 (2024) (SCI 74) . 99.Cai-Xia Yang, Lei Zhang, Zhi-Hong Jiao, Song-Feng Zhao, and Guo-Li Wang, Terahertz dependence on the laser phase and wavelength in a two-color circularly polarized laser field, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 41, 1550 (2024) (SCI 73) . 98.张红牛,龚雪,魏盼,赵松峰,激光驱动拉伸氢分子产生阈下谐波中拉比振荡特征得取向依赖,西北师范大学学报60, 37 (2024)(中文核心 19). 97.Jin-Xu Du, Guo-Li Wang, Xuan-Hong Gao, Xiao-Yong Li, Zhi-Hong Jiao, Song-Feng Zhao, and Xiao-Xin Zhou, Interference induced generation of chirp-free short isolated attosecond pulse in the water window region with multi-color laser fields, Opt. Lett. 49,1571 (2024) (SCI 72). 96.Xing Li, Xuanhong Gao, Yousheng Jiang, Wankai Li, Tao Yang, Dongdong Zhang, Lanhai He, Sizuo Luo, Song-Feng Zhao, and Dajun Ding, Attosecond time delay during resonance- enhanced multiphoton ionization of Ar in strong laser fields, Phys. Rev. A 109, 013103 (2024) (SCI 71). 95.Lei Zhang, Ling-Zhao Ji, Peng-Yan Sun, Zhihong Jiao, Song-Feng Zhao, Guo-Li Wang, Enhanced terahertz generation by controlling electron trajectory with chirp laser field, Indian J Phys. 98, 763 (2024) (SCI 70). 2023年 94.Wen-Quan Jing, Zhao-Peng Sun, Song-Feng Zhao, and Chuan-Cun Shu, Unveiling coherent control of halomethane dissociation induced by a single strong UV pulse, J. Phys. Chem. Lett.14, 11305 (2023) (SCI 69). 93.Ya-Ning Li, Jin-Xu Du, Lei Zhang, Zhi-Hong Jiao, Song-Feng Zhao, Guo-Li Wang, Retrieval of the molecular alignment distribution from THz generation,Phys. Rev. A108, 063103 (2023) (SCI 68). 92.Yan-Mei Liu, Ya-Ning Li, Lei Zhang, Zhi-Hong Jiao,Song-Feng Zhao, and Guo-Li Wang, Strong polarization-controlled terahertz generation by bi-elliptical polarized laser fields, Front.Phys. 11, 1222665 (2023) (SCI 67). 91. Jin-Xu Du, Guo-Li Wang, Xiao-Yong Li, Zhi-Hong Jiao, Song-Feng Zhao, and Xiao-Xin Zhou, Generation of a quasi-chirp-free short isolated attosecond pulse from high-order harmonics by optimized multicolor laser fields, Phys. Rev. A108, 023101 (2023) (SCI 66). 90.Liang-Cai Wen, Wen-Quan Jing, Chang-Ping Sun, Xuan-Hong Gao, Zhi-Hong Jiao, Guo-Li Wang, Jian-Hong Chen, and Song-Feng Zhao, Role of excitation for the electron rotational asymmetry in circularly polarized laser fields, J. Phys. B56, 125601 (2023) (SCI 65). 89.Rong-Rong Wang, Mao-Yun Ma, Liang-Cai Wen, Zhong Guan, Zhi-Hong Jiao, Guo-Li Wang, and Song-Feng Zhao, Comparative study of electron vortices in photoionization of molecules and atoms by counter-rotating circularly polarized laser pulses, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 40, 1749 (2023) (SCI64). 88.Jian-Hong Chen, Liang-Cai Wen, and Song-Feng Zhao, Orbital-resolved photoelectron momentum distributions of F- ions in a counter-rotating bicircular field, Optics Express 31, 5708 (2023)(SCI63). 87.C. H. Yuen, P. Modak, Yan Song, Song-Feng Zhao, and C. D. Lin, Modeling the sequential dissociative double ionization of O2 by ultrashort intense infrared laser pulses, Phys. Rev. A 107,013112 (2023)(SCI62). 86.Xue Gong, Pan Wei, Zhong Guan, Zhi-Hong Jiao, Guo-Li Wang, Shi-Lin Hu, and Song-Feng Zhao, Generation of elliptically polarized isolated attosecond pulses from N2 and O2 molecules in orthogonal few-cycle two-color fields, Results in Physics45, 106215 (2023)(SCI61). 85.Zhi-Hong Jiao, Jia-Hui Song, Sheng Zhang, Xiao-Yong Li, Guo-Li Wang, Song-Feng Zhao, Controllable waveform terahertz generation using rippled plasma driven by inhomogeneous electrostatic field,Optics Express 31, 442 (2023)(SCI 60). 2022年 84.Rong-Rong Wang, Mao-Yun Ma, Jun-Ping Wang, Zhong Guan, Zhi-Hong Jiao, Wei Li, Guo-Li Wang, Jian-Hong Chen, and Song-Feng Zhao, Orbital-resolved photoelectron momentum distributions of neon atoms in bichromatic elliptically polarized attosecond pulses, Eur. Phys. J. D76, 145(2022) (SCI59). 83.Xuan Yu, Na Wang, Jian-Ting Lei, Jian-Xiong Shao, Toru Morishita, Song-Feng Zhao, Bennaceur Najjari, Xin-Wen Ma, and Shao-Feng Zhang, Pushing multiphoton resonant ionization of the argon atom to low-intensity regime, Phys. Rev. A106, 023114 (2022) (SCI58). 82. Guo-Li Wang, Hai-Xia Qi, Ya-Ning Li, Zhi-Hong Jiao, Song-Feng Zhao, and Lei Zhang, Polarization-controlled terahertz generation by bicircular longer-wavelength laser fields, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B39, 1370 (2022) (SCI57). 81.李英娟,管仲,景文泉,魏盼,赵松峰,铷原子低次谐波产生中的载波拉比振荡特征,原子与分子物理学报 39,051007 (2022)(中文核心 18). 80.Ke Yang, Jin-Xu Du, Guoli Wang, Zhi-Hong Jiao, Song-Feng Zhao, and Xiao-Xin Zhou, Comparative study of different optimization methods for single attosecond pulse generation with two- or three-color gating scheme, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B39, A75 (2022) (SCI56). 79.Xiaoli Guo, Cheng Jin, Ziqiang He, Song-Feng Zhao, Xiaoxin Zhou, and Ya Cheng, Retrieval of complex angle-dependent transition dipoles by using macroscopic high harmonics generated from aligned N2 molecules, Optics Communications 508 127813(2022) (SCI55). 2021年 78.Pan Wei, Zhong Guan, Ling-Ling Du, Zhi-Hong Jiao, Lei Zhang, Guo-Li Wang, Shi-Lin Hu, and Song-Feng Zhao,Rabi-flopping signatures in below-thresholdharmonic generation from the stretched H2 andN2 molecules in intense laser fields, Optics Express 29, 43212 (2021) (SCI54). 77.Xiaoli Guo, Cheng Jin, Ziqiang He, Song-Feng Zhao, Xiaoxin Zhou, and Ya Cheng, Retrieval of angle-dependent strong-field ionization by using high harmonics generated from aligned N2 molecules, Chin. Phys. Lett. 38, 123301 (2021) (SCI53). 76.Mao-Yun Ma, Jun-Ping Wang, Wen-Quan Jing, Zhong Guan, Zhi-Hong Jiao, Guo-Li Wang, Jian-Hong Chen, and Song-Feng Zhao, Controlling the atomic-orbital- resolved photoionization for neon atoms by counter-rotating circularly polarized attosecond pulses, Optics Express 29, 33245 (2021) (SCI52). 75.Song-Feng Zhao, Na Wang, Ying-Juan Li, Zhong Guan, Guo-Li Wang, Toru Morishita and Peng-Cheng Li, Determination of model potential parameters by fitting the numerical potentials from density functional theory, J. Phys. B 54, 175601 (2021) (SCI51). 74.Zhi-Hong Jiao, Bo-Ning Wei, Guoli Wang, and Song-Feng Zhao,Generation of chirp-controllable circularly polarized terahertz radiation in magnetized plasma, Laser physics31, 075403 (2021) (SCI 50). 73.王娜,景文泉,管仲,杨增强,赵松峰, 氢原子在红外激光和极紫外脉冲组合场中的阈上电离, 原子与分子物理学报38, 064001 (2021)(中文核心 17). 72.Zhong Guan, Guo-Li Wang, Lei Zhang, Zhi-Hong Jiao, Song-Feng Zhao, and Xiao-Xin Zhou, Broadband terahertz wave generation from monolayer graphene driven by few-cycle laser pulse, Chin. Phys. Lett. 38, 054201 (2021)(SCI49). 71.杜进旭,王国利,焦志宏,赵松峰,周效信,优化多色激光场产生单个阿秒脉冲的理论模拟,科学通报66,949 (2021)(中文核心 16). 70.景文泉,管仲,赵松峰, 一维模型氢原子在啁啾激光场中的阈上电离, 原子与分子物理学报38, 024001 (2021)(中文核心 15). 2020年 69.Zhong Guan, Lu Liu,Guo-Li Wang, Song-Feng Zhao, Zhi-Hong Jiao, and Xiao-Xin Zhou, An improved method for the investigation of high-order harmonic generation from graphene, Chin. Phys. B 29, 104206 (2020)(SCI 48). 68.Xuan-Hong Gao, Lei Zhang, Zhi-Hong Jiao, Guo-Li Wang, and Song-Feng Zhao, Determination of structure parameters in strong-field ionization models of atoms, Communications in Theoretical Physics 72, 095504 (2020) (SCI 47). 67.Cheng Jin, Su-Ju Wang, Song-Feng Zhao, Anh-Thu Le, and C. D.Lin,Robust control of the minima of high-order harmonics by fine tuning the alignment of CO2 molecules for shaping attosecond pulses and probing molecular alignment, Phys. Rev. A 102, 013108 (2020) (SCI 46). 66.Jian-Hong Chen, Xiang-Ru Xiao, Song-Feng Zhao, and Liang-You Peng, The dependence of direct and rescattered photoelectron spectra of fluorine anions on orbital symmetry in a short laser pulse,Phys. Rev. A 101,033409(2020) (SCI 45) 65.Cheng Jin, Su-Ju Wang, X. Zhao, Song-Feng Zhao, and C. D.Lin, Shaping attosecond pulses bycontrolling the minima in high harmonicgeneration through alignment of CO2 molecules, Phys. Rev. A 101,013429(2020) (SCI 44). 64.赵松峰,李大军,管仲,景文泉,焦志宏, 中红外啁啾激光和单极脉冲驱动CO分子产生单个软X射线阿秒脉冲, 西北师范大学学报56,51(2020)(中文核心 14). 63.张启迪,李鹏程,赵松峰,周效信, 激光场中锂原子发射的电离阈值以下低价谐波的研究, 原子与分子物理学报 37,581(2020)(中文核心 13). 62.M. Zhang, B. Hai, D. M. Zhao, D. P. Dong, J. T. Lei,T. Morishita,Song-Feng Zhao,S. F. Zhang and X. Ma,The single ionization of helium with energy-selected extreme ultraviolet photons, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1412, 072008(2020)(国际会议A2 7). 61.Mu-Feng Zhu, Guo-Li Wang, Song-Feng Zhao, Xiao-Yong Li and Xiao-Xin Zhou, Polarization of attosecond pulses generated by two-color laser fields, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.1412, 072029 (2020)(国际会议A2 6). 60.Song-Feng Zhao, Zhen-Fang Tang, Zhi-Hong Jiao, Guo-Li Wang and Xiao-Xin Zhou, Model potential parameters for alkali metal atomic lithium, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.1412, 132007 (2020)(国际会议A2 5). 59.Ya-Ning Li, Guo-Li Wang, Lei Zhang, Zhi-Hong Jiao, Song-Feng Zhao, and Xiao-Xin Zhou, Polarization of terahertz radiation driven by incommensurate two-color laser pulses, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.1412, 192019 (2020)(国际会议A2 4). 2018-2019年 58.赵松峰,梁玫艳,管仲,采用激光驱动Ar团簇离子产生大椭偏率的高次谐波,西北师范大学学报55, 46 (2019)(中文核心 12). 57.Ya-Ning Li, Guo-Li Wang, Lei Zhang, Zhi-Hong Jiao, Song-Feng Zhao, and Xiao-Xin Zhou, Generating the polarization-controllable THz radiations by incommensurate two-color femtosecond laser fields,Phys. Plasmas26, 073109 (2019)(SCI43). 56.Mu-Feng Zhu, Guo-Li Wang, Song-Feng Zhao, Xiao-Yong Li, and Xiao-Xin Zhou, Generating the attosecond pulses with big ellipticity by He atom, J. Mod. Opt. 66, 1467-1475 (2019) (SCI42). 55.Bo-Yang Wang, Yan Wu, Song-Feng Zhao, Influence of the alignment angle of molecules on the cutoff of the high-order harmonics, Optik 180,733-737(2019) (SCI 41). 54.Yuanyuan Ni, Song-Feng Zhao, Xiao-Yong Li, Guo-Li Wang and Xiao-Xin Zhou, Above-threshold ionization of hydrogen atom in chirped laser fields, Chin. Phys. B 27, 073203 (2018) (SCI 40). 53.Li Wang, Guo-Li Wang, Zhi-Hong Jiao, Song-Feng Zhao, and Xiao-Xin Zhou, High-order harmonic generation of Li+ with combined infrared and extreme ultraviolet fields, Chin. Phys. B 27, 073205 (2018) (SCI 39). 52.Jian-Hong Chen, Song-FengZhao, Meng Han and Yunquan Liu, Photoelectron momentum distributions of F- ions by a few-cycle laser pulse, Optics Express26, 14086 (2018) (SCI 38). 51.Xiao-Li Guo, Song-Feng Zhao, Guo-Li Wang, and Xiao-Xin Zhou, Investigation of dynamic stabilization of Na atom in an intense laser pulse, Chin. Phys. B 27, 043201 (2018) (SCI 37). 2016-2017年 50.Jian-Hong Chen, Song-Feng Zhao, Guo-Li Wang, Xiao-Ping Zheng, and Zheng-Rong Zhang, Angle-resolved electron spectra of F- ions by few-cycle laser pulses, Chin. Phys. 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A 95, 023407 (2017) (SCI 33). 46.Jian-Hong Chen, Guo-Li Wang, Zhengrong Zhang, Song-Feng Zhao, Effect of rescattering potential on the high-energyabove-threshold ionization of a model-H atom, Indian J Phys. 91, 9 (2017) (SCI 32). 45.王国利,李鹏程,李小勇,赵松峰,周效信,原子发射高次谐波的优化控制和动力学分析,中国科学47,033002 (2017)(中文核心 11). 44.Song-Feng Zhao, Anh-Thu Le, Cheng Jin, Xu Wang, Xiao-Xin Zhou, and C. D. Lin, The possibility for calibrating laser intensity in strong-field-ionization experiment, J. Phys.: Conf. 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A88, 061401(R) (2013)(SCI 21). 28.刘璐,赵松峰,李鹏程,周效信,激光的组合场相对相位对CO分子产生阿秒脉冲的影响,中国激光 40,0902002 (2013)(中文核心 8). 27.Yun Pan, Song-Feng Zhao, and Xiao-Xin Zhou, Generation of isolated sub-40-as pulse from gas-phase CO molecule using an intensefew-cycle chirped laser and a unipolar pulse, Phys. Rev. A87, 035805 (2013)(SCI 20). 26.Fu Yan-Zhuo, Zhao Song-Feng, and Zhou Xiao-Xin,Investigation of multiphoton and tunneling ionization of atoms in intense laser field, Chin. Phys. B 21, 113101 (2012) (SCI 19). 25.Li Xiao-Jiao, Zhao Song-Feng, and Zhou Xiao-Xin, Investigation of Angular Dependence of Strong-Field Tunneling Ionization for Asymmetric Diatomic Molecule HeH2+,Communications in Theoretical Physics 58, 419 (2012) (SCI 18). 24.Chen Jian-Hong,Zhao Song-Feng,Li Xiao-Yong, and Zhou Xiao-Xin,Interference Effect of Direct Photodetachment forH- Ions in a Short Laser Pulse,Chin. Phys. Lett 29, 093201 (2012) (SCI 17). 23.周效信,赵松峰,李伟,李晓娇,用B样条函数计算氢分子离子的能级和波函数,原子与分子物理学报,29,205(2012)(中文核心 7). 2010-2011年 22.Sun Chang-Ping, Zhao Song-Feng, Chen Jian-Hong, and Zhou Xiao-Xin, Two-dimensional photoelectron momentum distributions of hydrogen in intense laser field, Chin. Phys. B 20, 113201 (2011)(SCI 16). 21.Wei-Chun Chu, Song-Feng Zhao, and C. D. Lin, Laser-assisted-autoionization dynamics of helium resonances with single attosecond pulses, Phys. Rev. A84, 033426 (2011)(SCI 15). 20.Song-Feng Zhao, Cheng Jin, R. R. Lucchese, Anh-Thu Le, and C. D. Lin, High-order harmonic generation of gas-phase H2O molecules, Phys. Rev. A83, 033409 (2011)(SCI 14). 19.Song-FengZhao, Junliang Xu, Cheng Jin, Anh-Thu Le, and C. D. Lin, Effect of orbital symmetry on the orientation dependence of strong field tunnelling ionization of nonlinear polyatomic molecules, J. Phys. B 44, 035601 (2011)(SCI 13). 18.Song-FengZhao, Cheng Jin, Anh-Thu Le, and C. D. Lin, Effect of an improved molecular potential on strong-field tunneling ionization of molecules, Phys. Rev. A82, 035402 (2010)(SCI 12). 17.Jin Cheng, Zhou Xiao-Xin and Zhao Song-Feng, Retrieval of Electron Return Time from High-order Harmonics Generated in a Mixture of He and Ne Gases, Communications in Theoretical Physics53, 735 (2010) (SCI 11). 16.Song-FengZhao, Cheng Jin, Anh-Thu Le, T. F. Jiang, and C. D. Lin, Determination of the structure parameters in the molecular tunneling ionizationtheory, Phys. Rev. A81, 033423 (2010)(SCI 10). 15.Cheng Jin, Anh-Thu Le, Song-FengZhao, R. R. Lucchese, and C. D. Lin, Theoretical study of Photoelectron angular distributions in single-photon ionization of aligned N2 and CO2, Phys. Rev. A81, 033421 (2010) (SCI 9). 14.Jin Cheng, Zhou Xiao-Xin,and Zhao Song-Feng, Destructive and Constructive Interference of High-Order Harmonic Generation in Mixture of He and Ne Gases,Chin. Phys. Lett 27, 033301 (2010)(SCI 8). 2010年以前 13.Song-Feng Zhao, Cheng Jin, Anh-Thu Le, T. F. Jiang , and C. D. Lin, Analysis of Angular Dependence of Strong Field Tunneling ionization for CO2, Phys. Rev. A80, 051402(R) (2009) (SCI 7). 12.张耀文,周效信,赵松峰,类氢离子在强激光场中产生的阿秒脉冲,原子与分子物理学报 26,869(2009)(中文核心 6). 11.叶小亮,周效信,赵松峰,李鹏程,原子在双色组合激光场中产生的单个阿秒脉冲,物理学报58,1579(2009)(SCI 6). 10.Song-Feng Zhao, Xiao-Xin Zhou,Peng-Cheng Li, and Zhangjin Chen, An isolated short attosecond pulse produced by using intense few-cycle shaped laser and an ultraviolet attosecond pulse, Phys. Rev. A78, 063404 (2008) (SCI 5). 9.Jin Cheng, Zhou Xiao-Xin and Zhao Song-Feng, Positions and widths of anticro- ssings for potassium Rydberg Stark states, Communications in TheoreticalPhysics 47, 119 (2007) (SCI 4). 8.金成, 周效信, 赵松峰, 静电场对强激光场中氢原子产生高次谐波的影响, 量子电子学报24, 194(2007)(中文核心 5). 7.赵松峰,周效信,金成,强激光场中模型氢原子和真实氢原子的高次谐波与电离特性研究,物理学报55,4078(2006)(SCI 3). 6.赵松峰,周效信,王国利,金成,用伪谱方法研究强激光场中一维原子的稳定性,原子与分子物理学报23, 831(2006)(中文核心 4). 5.Jin Cheng, Zhou Xiao-Xin and Zhao Song-Feng, Study of microwavemultiphoton transition of the Rydberg potassium atom by using B-spline, Communications in Theoretical Physics 44, 1065 (2005) (SCI 2). 4.王国利,周效信,李鹏程,赵松峰,类氢 He+、Li 2+离子的电子碰撞强度的 R 矩阵计算,原子与分子物理学报22,332(2005)(中文核心 3). 3.赵松峰,周效信,李鹏程,王国利,用伪谱方法计算强激光场中一维原子的阈上电离谱,原子与分子物理学报21,304(2004)(中文核心 2). 2.李鹏程,周效信,董晨钟,赵松峰, 强激光场中长程势与短程势原子产生高次谐波与电离特性研究,物理学报53,750(2004)(SCI 1). 1.赵松峰,周效信,李鹏程,王国利,用伪谱方法计算强激光场中一维原子的高次谐波和电离几率,西北师范大学学报(自然科学版) 40,31 (2004)(中文核心 1). 主编教材及专著: 1.Song-Feng Zhao, Xiao-Xin Zhou, and C. D. Lin, “Probing orbital symmetry of molecules via alignment-dependent ionization probability and high-order harmonic generation by intense lasers”, book chapter, Advances of Atoms and molecules in strong-laser fields, edited by Yunquan Liu, World Scientific Publishing, page 157-183 (2015) (ISBN: 978-981-4696-38-8). |
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